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Spatial People & Places” OK don’t laugh at my slogan :)  Sure, it’s a play on the “space” aspect of Real Estate. Properties are at the forefront, but we are in the people business. That’s what makes it “special”. Getting in touch with the personal element allows you to empathize with a client. Their goals become your goals. I chose Compass because of their cloud based platform that helps streamline the entire buying / selling process.

My background is in nursing. Before that I was an Army medic so I’ve learned attention to detail; how to operate under pressure. I came to real estate as an investor and decided to get licensed so I can view the whole playing field. My other interests are fitness, technology (my tech company built this site) and the performing arts. Using a methodical approach, I combine all this experience to connect people & places.

& Places

Over the years I’ve done pediatric and Hospice nursing visits in just about every Chicagoland neighborhood. Locations ranged from beautiful, million dollar properties to studio apartments. To help my patients I needed to observe their home structure, features, amenities, hazards.

Machinery, moisture, insulation don’t mix. Oxygen tanks, no sparks. Kitchen safety, low ceilings. Are the steps even? Is the floor sturdy? How easily is the bedroom / bathroom accessed? Where are the exits? Visiting nurses check for these things instinctively.

Now as a realtor I see things from a listings viewpoint. I can help you get the best price for your property. I can research repair costs and line up reliable professionals. While developing a good bedside manner I learned to listen actively. Everyone has their approach to this profession. Mine was through getting to know families first.

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